Giving Feedback to Teachers After Observation

Picture of Samantha James

Samantha James

March 1, 2023

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As a school principal or instructional coach, you know that giving feedback to teachers after observation is a crucial part of the job. But what’s the best way to give feedback? How do you strike the balance between being supportive and offering constructive criticism?

Here are a few tips:

Choose Your Words Carefully

The words you use when giving feedback can make all the difference. For example, instead of saying “you didn’t do X,” try “I noticed that you didn’t do X.” This small change in wording can help the teacher feel as though you’re on their side, rather than feeling as though you’re leveling accusations.

Be Specific

It’s important to be specific when giving feedback. Vague comments like “you need to work on your classroom management” won’t be helpful to the teacher. Instead, try to focus on one or two specific areas that you think the teacher could improve. For example, you might say “I noticed that there was a lot of talking during your lesson. Maybe next time you could try having students raise their hand before speaking.”

Make a Plan

After you’ve given your feedback, it’s important to make a plan for how the teacher can improve. What specific steps can they take to make changes in the areas you’ve identified? Working together, you and the teacher can come up with a plan that will help them be successful in the future.

Giving feedback to teachers after observation doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your feedback is both supportive and constructive.