8 Causes of Teacher Burnout and What You Can Do About It

Teacher burnout is a serious issue. When teachers are burned out, it not only affects them but also their students and the entire school community. This blog post will explore the consequences of teacher burnout and what we can do to prevent it.

1.  Excessive Workload

One of the primary causes of teacher burnout is an excessive workload. Teachers are often required to work long hours, including after school and on weekends. In addition, they are often required to complete a great deal of paperwork. This can leave them feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

2.  Lack of Support

Another cause of teacher burnout is a lack of support from administrators and other staff members. Teachers may feel that they are not receiving the help they need to do their jobs effectively. This can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment.

3.  Poor working conditions

Poor working conditions can also contribute to teacher burnout. For example, if a teacher’s classroom is overcrowded or if they do not have access to adequate resources, this can make it difficult to do their job well. Additionally, teachers who work in unsafe schools may feel constantly on edge, which can lead to burnout.

4.  Limited autonomy

Teachers who feel that they have limited autonomy over their classrooms and curriculum may also experience burnout. If a teacher feels that they cannot teach the way they want to or that they are not able to make decisions about their classroom, this can lead to frustration and a sense of powerlessness.

5.  Negative relationships with students

Negative relationships with students can also cause teacher burnout. If a teacher feels that their students are disrespectful or uncooperative, this can be very stressful. Additionally, if a teacher feels that their students are not making progress, this can also lead to frustration and disappointment.

6.  Negative relationships with parents

In addition to negative relationships with students, negative relationships with parents can also cause teacher burnout. If parents are constantly critical or if they do not support their child’s education, this can be very stressful for teachers. Additionally, if parents do not respect a teacher’s time or boundaries, this can also lead to burnout.

7.  Lack of appreciation

Another cause of teacher burnout is a lack of appreciation from administrators, parents, and students. Teachers may feel that their hard work is not being recognized or that their efforts are not appreciated. This lack of appreciation can lead to feelings of devaluation and frustration.

8.  Isolation from colleagues

Another factor that can contribute to teacher burnout is isolation from colleagues. Teachers may feel like they are the only ones struggling or that they do not have anyone to talk to about their challenges. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and despair


All of us—teachers, support staff, and administrators—need to be vigilant in looking out for the warning signs of burnout in ourselves and our colleagues. With understanding and empathy, we can work together to find ways to mitigate the causes of burnout and create a healthy environment for everyone in our school community. What steps will you take to prevent teacher burnout at your school?

What else can you do to support teachers? Check out this blog post

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